Being a Mom is more amazing than I ever imagined. Oh! There are no words to describe the way my heart has grown. My life could be spent laying on the floor with Elijah and making him smile, or sitting on the couch and letting him sleep on my chest. My whole world is this little guy and I'm just so in love.
When I got pregnant I was so excited! My whole life became about being pregnant and preparing for our baby to enter the world. Slowly all the apps on my phone changed from fashion and travel to What to Expect When Expecting and The Baby Center apps. As my pregnancy progressed and the reality of being a Mom got closer and closer, I wondered if I would still be myself after all this. I wondered if I would start to see the appeal of pajama jeans. Would I want to wear high heels? Would I trade in all my handbags for diaper bags? What aspects of me would remain after this monumental, life changing event? I have to admit, I was a little scared to find out.
As Eli's 2 month mark approaches I've started to feel myself emerge again. I feel like I'm starting to make my way out of the haze of late night feedings, piles of diapers, and days spent in pajamas. I'm getting used to those things and through them I'm finding my new "Mom self". And I'm pleased to find that my new self still loves fashion! It's always been such a big part of my life, and for the last eleven months I have only been focused on maternity clothes. I'm still working on getting the baby weight off, but I'm getting so excited about wearing "normal" clothes and getting into the spring fashions! Here are some things I'm excited to try:

I know this may seem like a little thing to some. Others may feel like returning to work or exercising helps bring you out of the "new baby haze", but to me having the fashion bug is what is making me feel like part of the world again. And I can already tell that dressing Eli will add a whole new facet to my fashion obsession. Bring on the boy's clothes!
To all you Moms, is there something that made "you feel like you" again after you had your kids?
And to everyone- What are you excited about this Spring?
Whatever girl, you were a fashionista prego too! I'm excited about your vintage scarf idea!
ReplyDeletelove your spring fashion finds! you will totally rock them! getting excited about spring, woot!
ReplyDeleteKristin! I cannot tell you how much I love that you all have blogs now...I just love it! This is a great post- i was just thinking of a spring "wish list." Of course I'm not quite as fashionable as you, so mine usually just remains a list, but top on my list are bright skinny jeans, and cute (comfortable) flats. I don't really remember how I felt after having Dean- you'd think 3 years is forever! I'm excited for you to get into the world of boy clothes, limited though it may be. (Grace- have you noticed how the boy clothes section of Target is about 1/3 the size of the girls?? Grrr.) One suggestion for all babies, but especially boys- avoid white. You might as well throw that money (and shirt/shoes/etc) right in the trash. ;)
ReplyDeleteLaura! Yay! Yes on the bright skinnys (is that a word?)and on the fun flats. I just got some a Target today. I'm loving all the bright colors this spring :) Maybe the three of us need to give the world of baby boy clothes a makeover. Fashionable moms make fashionable sons. Right? Love you!
DeleteLaura, so happy to see you on these blogs! You should join in on the fun :). I would love to hear all about your life! And could not agree more on the boy clothes... no love for boys! I remember before I even had Emmitt, I went to Target to get a little outfit for a friend who just had a baby boy and I thought, "where are the boy clothes?!" Turns out they were on one little rack there in the sea of adorable girl clothes! Loved seeing your family pics on Jenn's FB page. Dean is SO cute! Also, agreed on the bright skinny jeans :).